
central body中文是什么意思

  • 中枢体
  • 中体
  • 中心球
  • 中心小体
  • 中央体,中心体



  • 例句与用法
  • The orbit of a star in a galaxy does not look like the orbit of a planet around the sun or a satellite around earth , because a galaxy is not dominated by a single central body
  • It is essential to practice xiao lian tou for grasp yong chun quan to realize the correct elbow disposition as well as the essentials for central body protection and the methods of offensive and defensive movements
  • Female brains have a higher percentage of grey matter ( the manifestation , en bloc , of the central bodies of nerve cells ) , and thus a lower percentage of white matter ( the manifestation of the long , thin filaments that connect nerve cells together ) , than male brains
    相对男性来说,女性大脑具有更多的灰质(就是神经细胞的细胞体的总体外观) ,因此就更少的白质(细长的神经细胞突起的总体外观) 。
  • Slimming drugs commonly used appetite inhibitors , these drugs through the hypothalamus to influence diet and the central body of the excitement and inhibition play appetite , patients readily accept diet therapy , such as amphetamine - type ; metandienone increase metabolism , is to promote metabolism , so the body ' s adipose tissue accumulation by gradually eliminate , such as thyroid hormone ; biguanides hypoglycemic agents , the drugs in the treatment of diabetes , patients can cause loss of appetite , this is the side effects , but the drug has reduced the cumulative amount of fat and suppress appetite , delaying or reducing gastrointestinal absorption of the sugar , increase fecal fat and he substances excreted , speaking on obesity and is beneficial side
  • 英文解释
  • small region of cytoplasm adjacent to the nucleus; contains the centrioles and serves to organize the microtubules

  • 其他语种释义
  • 推荐英语阅读
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